Finish Task - Part Identity Change on Serials in Structure
Quick Reporting of Pending Task - Part Identity Change on Serials in Structure
Quick Report Modification - Part Identity Change on Serials in Structure

[About Pending Task] [About Work Order] [About Maintenance Order] [About Modification Schedule] [About Modification Definition] [About Rename Serial] [About Flight Log] [To Manage Line Maintenance] [To Operate Asset] [To Dispatch Asset and Close Maintenance Visit]


Use this step of the assistant to view or enter information on the serials in the structure that are to be renamed if the task being finished is a modification task of execution type Terminating Action, and leads to a part identity change on a serial assigned to and/or affected by the modification. When the modification task (with execution type Terminating Action) is embodied, the assigned/affected serial is renamed automatically to include the new part number and revision defined on the modification. In this step you can specify the historical records that are to be updated with the new part number and revision of the serial being renamed. You can choose to update the operational log history, replacement history, as well as other history records by selecting the relevant check box(es) in this step of the assistant. Furthermore, this step can be used to update the maintenance program, maintenance group and manufacturer information defined on the serial.

Note: In order to perform Asynchronous Reporting, operational log history records and replacement history records for the serial being renamed must be updated with the new part number and revision.

This step can only be accessed if the task being finished is a modification task of execution type Terminating Action, and leads to a part identity change.

Activity Diagrams

Plan Line Maintenance Activities
Complete Maintenance Task
Complete Maintenance Visit
Manage Flight Logs


Quick Reporting of Pending Task 
Finish Task