Operational Planning

[About Vehicle Operational Schedule] [About Operational Events] [About Operational Request] [About Operational Budget] [To Operate Asset]


Use this window to view all information about operational planning. When you define an operational plan, you need to decide whether it is to cover single operations over a longer period of time or daily operations. For daily operations, select the Daily check box in the General tab. If the date entered in the Start Date field in the General tab is more than two months ahead, you will receive a warning.

To define an operational plan containing vehicle and personnel planning, you first need to set the plan to complete by selecting the Plan Complete check box in the General tab. This in turn requires one or more items to be defined for the plan in the Define Vehicle Models tab. When the plan is set as completed it will not be possible to update the plan or the items connected to it.

For a description of each tab, follow the appropriate link: General, Define Vehicle Models, Assign Vehicles and Crew.

Activity Diagrams

Plan Daily Operations


Create a New Operational Plan
Copy an Operational Plan