Work Order Execution Logic/Gantt

[About Work Order] [About Work Orders for VIM Serials] [To WO Processing]


Use this tab to view a Gantt chart of the work orders in the Execution Logic Structure (ELS).

In the chart you will find a horizontal activity bar for each work order and operation in the structure. The length of each activity bar varies depending on the length of time between the work order/operation start date and the work order/operation end date. To view activity bars for operations, right-click on the graph, and then click Show Operations.

The color of the activity bars vary depending on the color scheme used for the status type that is selected in the Properties dialog box, which is available as a menu option. The applicable colors are predefined in the Gantt Status Colors window. For the work order execution logic gantt the status type Work Order is selected by default. This default setting may be changed at any time according to your requirements. It is possible to graphically view the progress of each work order in the ELS using this chart. Once progress is defined and calculated for a work order, the activity bar for this work order will be shown with a Black-and-White striped bar, which is placed within the activity bar, and the length of which denotes the progress of the work./p>

In the chart you will also find a summary bar for each work order and its operations in the structure. Summary bars are shown in Gray and marked with an inverted triangle at each end of the bar. You can collapse or expand the contents of a particular work order in the structure by right-clicking, and then clicking Expand Group or Collapse Group.

You can magnify or reduce the timescale by dragging the timescale bar. You can change the resolution of the graph, i.e., the scale (whether information should, for instance, be displayed on a daily or weekly basis), and the time range the graph should accommodate by double-clicking the timescale bar and entering required information in the dialog box that opens. The resolution can also be changed using the relevant right mouse button option available on the graph.

The work order number or operation number is displayed to the left of each activity bar for work orders and operations in the structure. The work order number is also shown to the left of each summary bar in the graph. You can view descriptions of the work orders and operations by right-clicking on the graph, and then clicking Show Descriptions.

Following is a list of changes that can be performed for work orders and operations in the structure, using the Gantt chart:

Note that the XGantt Active X component of IFS/Client must be installed before the Gantt chart can be generated in this tab. This is normally done as part of the IFS/Client installation process.

The appearance of the Gantt chart can be adjusted in the Properties dialog box, available as a menu option. Other menu options for zooming and accessing Pointer or Dependency modes are also available.

Activity Diagrams

View/Modify ELS WO Structure


Move Operations between Work Orders
Alter Dependencies
View Critical Path