Report In Work Order/Postings | Report In Route Work Order/Postings

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Use this tab to enter, adjust, authorize, and view the transactions that are connected to a work order. In IFS/Service Management you can also transfer the transactions to IFS/Customer Order. All transactions on the Postings tab must be authorized. Transactions for material costs have transferred status and are automatically authorized, since the transactions are created when the material is issued from inventory. Transactions for external costs that are connected to a requisition also have transferred status and are automatically authorized, since the transactions are created when the supplier invoice is matched to a purchase order in IFS/Invoice. Right-click on the Report In Work Order and Report In Route windows and click Transfer to Customer Order to transfer the postings.

Note: Material transactions from material lines that are connected to a purchase requisition with have cost 0 as the cost will come from the external line created from the purchase. In IFS/Service Management the material postings will be in status Invoiceable while the external line will become Not Invoiceable as the cost only should be invoiced to the customer once. If a purchase requisition line has Arrival or a rental requisition line has Generated Transactions selected in the Cost Return At field, an external posting line is created when the purchase order has been arrived in IFS/Purchasing or rental transactions had been generated in IFS/Rental. The purpose of this posting line is to get an indication on the work order that the purchase has arrived or rental transactions had been generated and make it possible to invoice customer before the supplier invoice has arrived if used in a Service Management flow. The cost shown on the Arrival or Generated Transactions posting lines will be the planned purchase cost and the cost will be seen in the budget tab as long as no external lines have been created for the authorization of the supplier invoices. The cost from the posting will not be shown in equipment analysis. If the Arrival or Generated Transactions posting lines are not invoiced to customer, they will be removed when the posting lines for the supplier invoices are created. The posting lines for the supplier invoices will get status Not Invoiceable if there are posting lines for the Arrival or Generated Transactions that are invoiced, as the cost should only be invoiced to the customer once.

The Postings tab can be found in the Report In Work Order and Report In Route windows. When using IFS/Service Management, you can also find the Postings tab in the Prepare Work Order Quotation/Prepare tab. On this tab, you can enter the cost type Fixed Price for the work order quotation. This information is then displayed on the General tab of the Prepare Work Order window, where the Fixed Price box is selected. This information is also used for customer invoicing. 

Activity Diagrams



Create Revenue Transactions for Maintenance Order
Authorize Time Transactions 
Authorize Transaction
Transfer to Customer Order