Work Order Progress Calculation


Due to the nature of heavy maintenance visits, numerous engineers and technicians will be involved with the performance and recording of work. Often, the floor manager has limited or no capability to determine the current progress and status of all the work being performed. With the progress calculation feature, you can monitor and control the contents of a maintenance visit at the work order level or the work order operation level. You can also provide actual details of the progress of the work. 

Work Progress Template

Work progress templates are used to calculate the progress on work orders, based on the status of work order operations. Each template will contain a list of the valid operation statuses for which you can define progress as a percentage. The following table shows a list of the valid operation statuses and default progress percentages:

Operation Status Cumulative Progress (%)
Cancelled 0
Finished 100
New 0
On Hold 0
Released 0
Started 0
Work Done 0

The default percentage values for all operation statuses except Cancelled can be changed. When changing the progress values for operation statuses, the percentage values for the New, Released, Started, Work Done and Finished statuses must be in ascending order. For example, a progress template exists, with the following percentage values: 10% for Released, 20% for Started and 85% for Work Done. When changing the cumulative value for Started, you will not be allowed to enter a value below 10% or above 85%.

The percentage that should be used on each operation status is initially defined in the work progress template. However, as the work progresses you will be able to change the progress on operation so as to reflect the actual progress on the particular operation.

It is possible to connect one or more progress templates to a work order site, and select one of these templates to be the default template for the site. The default template is used as the default for all work orders on the site, where it is used to calculate progress on work orders.

Progress Templates for Work Orders

Initially, the work order will be updated with the default progress template for the work order site. The default template can be changed if needed.

Progress of the work order will be calculated based on the progress on the operation belonging to this work order. If the work order has a structure, progress will be calculated at each level considering the progress of each individual work order below and including that level. If the work order is connected to a project activity, the progress of the activity will be calculated based on the progress of the work orders connected to the activity. Note that progress percentage on the operations are either set by the progress template or entered manually.

It is possible to view progress on operations and work orders even if a progress template is not connected to the work order. At such instances,

Change Progress Template and Calculate Progress

This feature, available as a dialog box, can be used to add or change the template on a work order, work order structure and/or project, and calculate work progress. Following is a list of the functions that can be performed using this feature:

Progress on Work Order Operations

Initially, the progress of an operation is taken from the corresponding progress for the current operation status in the template connected to the work order. If a template is not connected to the work order, progress values will be retrieved from the default values on the operation status. Note that the Cancelled status will always have the percentage value 0%, which cannot be changed.

As the work progresses, it may be required to show this progress on the operation. This may be done by manually changing the given progress for the operation line. Due to this, different operations on the work order can show different progress values for the same operation status. However, note that when changing the status of an operation, the initial value for progress will be taken from the template connected to the work order. When manually changing the progress of an operation, you must make sure that the value entered is within the percentage of the preceding and following statuses. This is the same validation described under subheading Work Progress template above.

Calculate Progress of the Work Order

This section provides a general background to how calculation of progress on the work order is done. The actual calculation is given in detail in the next section.

As described already, the progress of the work order is calculated based on the progress of the operations belonging to the work order. Therefore, if the progress of an operation changes due to a status change, template change or by manually changing the progress, the progress of the work order is recalculated. The work progress is recalculated if new operations are added or removed or planned men or hours are changed on any of the operations. The calculated progress can be viewed on the work order. Note: Progress is recalculated using the Change Progress Template and Calculate Progress feature or through a scheduled job if this needs updating at a particular time.

If the work order is connected to a project activity, progress of the work order will be updated in IFS/Project as well. The calculated value is directly sent to IFS/Project and stored in project connections as the progress of the work order. This will be the same as the progress of the work order if all operations on the work order have planned hours defined. If this is not the case, the calculation for progress that to be stored in project connections, will exclude the operations that do not have planned hours.

If the work order is also in a structure, the progress at each level of the structure is regarded as the structure progress.

Furthermore, a scheduled job is used to calculate the progress of all work orders, work order structures and to update projects correctly and in a timely manner. This scheduled job has two parameters, the name of the site(s) and the execution plan. It is possible to schedule the job as required, but initially its execution plan is set to run daily at midnight for all sites (i.e., the site name parameter will have % as its default value). When this scheduled job is executed, the progress at each level of the structure will be calculated for all work orders in structures that belong to the site(s). Following is a graphical illustration of the scheduled job.

How the Progress Calculation is Done

Work Order

For active work orders progress will be calculated as described below:

  1. If the work order is not in a structure, the progress of the work order = 100%,
  2. If the work order is in a structure, the reported time is considered during calculation. If the total reported hours is 0, then the progress is 0%. If the total reported hours is larger than 0, the progress is 100%.
Calculated progress on a work order = total progress on all operations / total planned man hours for all operations * 100

Where, total progress on all operations = sum of (progress on the operation * total man hours for the operation)

Example A:

A work order has three operations with progress reported as shown below:

Operation No. Status Progress (%) Planned Man Hours
1 Finished 100 50
2 Work Done 90 60
3 Started 0 100

The calculated progress of this work order = (100*50 + 90*60 + 0*100) / (100 + 60 + 50)
                                                             = 49.52%

If total man hours = 0 for some work operations connected to the same work order (i.e., planned hours and planned men are not defined), the progress will be calculated as the operation is weighted equally with all the other operations.

Example B:

A work order has six operations with progress reported as shown below:

Operation No. Status Progress (%) Planned Man Hours
1 Started 0 8
2 Started 0 100
3 Work Done 90 0
4 Work Done 90 60
5 Finished 100 0
6 Finished 100 50

Here, operation 1, 2, 4 and 6 together have a progress equal to: (8*0 + 100*0 + 60*90 + 50*100) / (8 + 100 + 60 + 50) * 100  = 47.71%

Operations 3 and 5 together have a progress equal to: (90 + 100) / 2*100  = 95%

Therefore, the calculated progress of this work order = 47.71*4/6 + 95*2/6 = 63.48%

Work Order Structure

This calculation is similar to the calculation of progress for a work order. Here too, work orders in the Cancelled status are ignored in the calculation.

Calculated progress of work order structure = total progress on all work orders in the structure below / total planned man hours for all work orders in the structure below * 100

Where, total progress on all work orders = sum of (individual work order progress * planned man hours)

If total planned man hours = 0 for some work orders, the progress will be calculated as the work order is weighted equally with all the other work orders in the structure. Note that operations must exist on these work orders even if planned hours have not been defined. If a work order in the structure does not have any operations, this work order will be disregarded when calculating structure progress.

Example C:

If two work orders are in the structure, one with 100 hours of work plus a calculated progress of 20% and the other with 10 hours of work with a calculated progress of 100%, the overall progress of the work order structure will be calculated as follows:

(100*20 + 10*100) / (100 + 10) * 100  = 27%

Example D:

In this example,

Work order 1 and 2 together have a progress equal to: (100*10 + 30*80) / 130*100  = 26.15%

Therefore, the total progress = progress for work orders with hours * (2/3) + progress for work orders without hours * (1/3)
                                         = 26.15*(2/3) + 100*(1/3)
                                         = 50.76%

Work Orders connected to Project Activities

Progress of the work order is calculated using the following formula:

Progress of the work order = total progress on all operations / total planned man hours for all operations * 100

Where, total progress on all operations = sum of (individual operation progress * planned man hours)

Cancelled operations will be ignored in the calculation. The only difference here from the calculation for work orders is that operations without planned values will be excluded in the calculation.

Example E:

Operation No. Status Progress (%) Planned Man Hours
1 Finished 100 50
2 Work Done 90 0
3 Started 0 100

The earned value of this work order = (100*50 + 0*100) / (100 + 50)
                                                   = 33.33%