Add Documents to Order Quotation


This activity is used by the contractor to add documents to an existing order quotation using the Business-to-Business interface.


To perform this activity, the order quotation must exist.

System Effects

As a result of this activity, documents are attached to the quotation.



Related Page Descriptions

Reply on Work Order Tender Portlet
Work Order Tender
Connected Documents
Add Documents


  1. Click on the WO No link on the Reply on Work Order Tenders portlet. The Work Order Tender page is opened.
  2. Click on the Quotation Documents link on the header of the page. The Connected Documents page is opened.
  3. Click on the Add Documents icon. The Add Documents dialog box is opened.
  4. Click Add File and select the document that you need to connect to the order quotation. Repeat if necessary to add more documents.
  5. To modify the document class of a single document, use the List of Values to select a value in the Document Class field.
  6. To modify the document class for multiple documents, select the rows, select a document class to be used for the document in the list above the table, and click Apply.
  7. Optionally, fill in the fields with document information.
  8. Click OK.