Add/View Documents


This activity is used to add documents to the work order in the mobile device and view already added documents to the work order from the back office.


System Effects


The mobile device on which IFS Mobile Work Order is installed.

Related Window Descriptions

Refer the help for IFS Mobile Work Order on your device.


View Documents

  1. Select the work order to which the documents are to be viewed
  2. Tap Next.
  3. In the WO Actions screen, tap Documents.
  4. Select the document you wish to view out of all the documents attached to the work order.
  5. Optionally, you may required to download the file if it has not pushed while synchronizing.
  6. You may view more than one document by navigate back to Document Attachments.

Add Documents

  1. Select the work order to which the documents are to be added.
  2. Accept the work order
  3. Tap Next.
  4. In the WO Actions screen, tap Documents.
  5. Tap Attached New File.
  6. Select a suitable Document Class, use LOV.
  7. Enter a Title.
  8. If you wish to attach an existing file, tap File, and select required file from the mobile device storage.
  9. If you wish to take a picture, tap Take Photo.
  10. Tap OK, you may add more than one document by navigate back to Document Attachments.

Create Revisions

  1. Select the work order to which the document revision to be added.
  2. Accept the work order
  3. Tap Next.
  4. In the WO Actions screen, tap Documents.
  5. Select the document you wish to create a new revision and Tap New Rev..
  6. Enter a Revision Text.
  7. If you wish to attach an existing file, tap File, and select required file from the mobile device storage.
  8. If you wish to take a picture, tap Take Photo.
  9. Tap Save, to create the new revision.