Allocate Resource


Use this activity to allocate maintenance employees and/or tools an facilities required to execute a work order and/or work order operations.

This activity is typically used when;

  1. Allocating a maintenance employee to execute a work order.
  2. Allocating one or several maintenance employees to execute a work order operation
  3. Allocating one or several tool and facilities required to execute a work order
  4. Allocating one or several tool & facilities required to execute a work order operation


System Effects

Allocating a maintenance employee to work order

As a result of this activity, the entire work order will be allocated to a single maintenance employee. A work order level allocation will be created using a default operation with the operation no "0" (which is hidden and hence not visible from the operations tab) and also an allocation with Allocation From and Allocation To will be created against the selected employee and the selected work order.  The work order will be set to Operations follow Work Order Status. Furthermore the allocated employee signature will be set in Executed by, the Fixed Executed by flag will be checked and the selected start date of the allocation will be inserted into the Fixed Start Date. If there are operations present on the work order these will also be allocated to the executed by on the work order. These allocations will however not receive any Allocation From and Allocation To or any Allocated Hours since all the allocated hours will be allocated to the default work order operation no "0" (again please note that the default operation "0" and its allocation will no be visible from the operations tab).

Allocating one or several maintenance employees to execute a work order operation
As a result of this activity, one or several multi-line level allocations with an Allocation From and Allocation To will be created against the selected employee/employees and the selected operation.

Allocating one or several tool & facilities required to execute a work order or a work order operation
As a result of this activity, one or several allocations with Allocation From and Allocation To will be created against the selected tool & facility and the selected work order/operation.


Allocate Resource

Related Window Descriptions

Allocate Resource Resource Allocation Search Legend


Follow this procedure to allocate a maintenance employee to a work order or a route work order:

  1. Right-Click on a record in Active Work Orders, Active Routes or on the header in Service Request, Prepare Work Order, Report in Route window and select Allocate Resource… .
  2. This will open the Allocate Resource… dialog.
  3. Maintenance employees that matches the criteria’s of the selected work order will now be displayed in the lower pane together with their current schedules and allocations. If there are operations defined on the work order with multiple different Maintenance Organizations, Teams or Crafts defined then the work order operations must be allocated to several different employees and the work order can therefore not be allocated to one single maintenance employee. However if the operations all have the same Maintenance Organizations, Teams or Crafts defined, then it will be possible to allocate all the operations to one single maintenance employee  selecting the option "All".
  4. Select the work order allocation and drag it to the desired slot in a resource's schedule.
  5. In order to adjust the duration of the allocation, select the allocation drag either of the ends of the allocations to extend the allocation backwards or forwards in time.
  6. If there is no maintenance employees available in the Maintenance organization and/or Team specified on the work order that matches the Craft, License and/or Competency requirements for the work order, the user can press the search button and in the search dialogue and modify the search criteria in to search in other Maintenance organizations/Teams and or to change the Craft/License/Competency requirements. (For more detailed information on how to change the search criteria's see instructions in section "change search criteria" below.)
  7. If the Requested Start, Late Start, Fixed Start or Requested Finish has been set on the work order and  there is no available time slot that complies with these dates, then the user may search again by pressing "Search" button and ticking the checkbox "Ignore Constraints. This action will disable the constraining dates.
  8. If there is no Employee available with a free slot in his/her schedule or according to schedule, then the user may search again by ticking the checkboxes "Show All" and/or "Exclude Schedules"
    "Show All" will show all Employees even tough they are already busy during the time. "Exclude Schedule" will show all Employees even tough they might not be available according to schedule or do not have a valid schedule during that time. 
  9. Click Save.

The work order will be set to Operations follow Work Order Status. Furthermore the allocated employee will be set in Executed by, the Fixed Executed by flag will be "checked”
and the start time of the allocation start will be inserted into the Fixed Start Date. A work order level allocation will be created using a default operation with the operation no "0"  and also an allocation with Allocation From and Allocation To will be created against the selected employee for the selected work order. If there are operations present on the work order these will also be allocated to the executed by on the work order. These allocations will however not receive any Allocation From and Allocation To or any Allocated Hours since all the allocated hours will be allocated for the default work order operation no "0".

Follow this procedure to allocate one or several maintenance employees to a work order operation:

  1. Right-Click in the header of Service Request or Prepare Work Order or select one or several an individual operations in the Job/Operations tab or the Operations tab in Prepare Work Order and select Allocate Resource… .
  2. The Allocate Resource… dialog will open.
  3. Maintenance employees that matches the criteria’s of the selected operation's will now be displayed in the lower pane together with their current schedules and allocations.
  4. Select the operation allocation/allocation's and drag it to the desired slot in a resource's schedule. (If there  is a requirement for multiple persons the several bars will appear, the user will then have to drag and drop several times) 
  5. In order to adjust the duration of the allocation, select the allocation and drag either of the ends of the allocations to extend the allocations backwards or forwards in time.
  6. If there is no maintenance employees available in the Maintenance organization and/or Team specified on the work order that matches the Craft, License and/or Competency requirements for the work order, the user can press the search button and in the search dialogue and modify the search criteria in to search in other Maintenance organizations/Teams and or to change the Craft/License/Competency requirements. (For more detailed information on how to change the search criterias see instructions in section "change search criteria" below.)
  7. If the Requested Start, Late Start, Fixed Start or Requested Finish has been set on the work order and  there is no available time slot that complies with these dates, then the user may search again by pressing "Search" button and ticking the checkbox "Ignore Constraints. This action will disable the constraining dates.
  8. If there is no Employee available with a free slot in his/her schedule or according to schedule, then the user may search again by ticking the checkboxes "Show All" and/or "Exclude Schedules"
    "Show All" will show all Employees even tough they are already busy during the time. "Exclude Schedule" will show all Employees even tough they might not be available according to schedule or do not have a valid schedule during that time. 
  9. Click Save.

One or several multi-line level allocations with an Allocation From and Allocation To, will now be created against the selected employees and the selected operations

Follow this procedure to allocate a tool/facility to a work order or work order operation:

  1. Navigate to Tools & Facilities tab in Prepare Work Order and select Allocate Resource… for the lines you wish to allocate . The Allocate Resource.. dialog will open.
  2. Tools and facilities that matches the criteria’s of the selected tool and facilities row will now be displayed in the lower pane together with their current schedules and allocations.
  3. Select the tools and facilities allocation and drag it to a slot in the desired schedule for the desired tool/facility.
  4. In order to adjust the duration of the allocation, select the allocation and drag either of the ends of the allocations to extend the allocations backwards or forwards in time.
  5. If there is no maintenance employees available in the Maintenance organization and/or Team specified on the work order that matches the Craft, License and/or Competency requirements for the work order, the user can press the search button and in the search dialogue and modify the search criteria in to search in other Maintenance organizations/Teams and or to change the Craft/License/Competency requirements. (For more detailed information on how to change the search criteria's see instructions in section "change search criteria" below.)
  6. If the Requested Start, Late Start, Fixed Start or Requested Finish has been set on the work order and  there is no available time slot that complies with these dates, then the user may search again by pressing "Search" button and ticking the checkbox "Ignore Constraints". This action will disable the constraining dates.
  7. If there is no Employee available with a free slot in his/her schedule or according to schedule, then the user may search again by ticking the checkboxes "Show All" and/or "Exclude Schedules"
    "Show All" will show all Employees even tough they are already busy during the time. "Exclude Schedule" will show all Employees even tough they might not be available according to schedule or do not have a valid schedule during that time.
  8. Click save.

A Tool/Facility ID will be set on the tool and facility line along with the selected Allocation From and Allocation To against the selected line.

Follow this procedure to change search criteria's when querying for an Employee Resource:

  1. In the Allocate Resource dialog press the Search.. button.
  2. In the Site field, select the site to search within. Use the List of Values to select a valid value.
  3. In the Maint Org field, select the maintenance organization to search within. Use the List of Values to select a valid value.
  4. Select the Show All checkbox if resources that are already allocated during the search period should be included in the search result.
  5. Select the Exclude Schedule checkbox if resources that are not available during the search period should be included in the search result.
  6. Select the Ignore Constraints checkbox if the constraining dates Requested Start, Late Start, Fixed Start or Requested Finish on the work order should be ignored when deciding the search interval.
  7. In the Team Site field, enter the team site to search within. Use the List of Values to select a valid value.
  8. In the Team field, enter the team to search within. Use the List of Values to select a valid value.
  9. In the Craft field, enter the craft to search for. Use the List of Values to select a valid value.
  10. Select the Include Sub Craft checkbox if resources that have a craft that has been defined as a sub craft to the craft user is searching for should be included in the search result.
  11. Navigate to the Competency tab
  12. Press the New button to add a new competency to the search criteria's. To remove competencies press the Remove button.
  13. Press Save to save the changes.
  14. Navigate to the License tab
  15. Press the New button to add a new competency to the search criteria's. To remove licenses press the Remove button.
  16. Press Save to save the changes.
  17. Press Search to search
  18. Search results will be presented in Allocate Resource.

Follow this procedure to Change Search settings when querying for a Tool/Facility:

  1. In the Allocate Resource dialog press the Search.. button.
  2. In the Site field, select the site to search within. Use the List of Values to select a valid value.
  3. In the Maint Org field, select the maintenance organization to search within. Use the List of Values to select a valid value.
  4. Select the Show All checkbox if resources that are already allocated during the search period should be included in the search result.
  5. Select the Exclude Schedule checkbox if resources that are not available during the search period should be included in the search result.
  6. Select the Ignore Constraints checkbox if the constraining dates Requested Start, Late Start, Fixed Start or Requested Finish on the work order should or should not constrain the interval when the work order can be allocated when deciding the search interval.
  7. In the Tool/Facility Type  field, enter the tool/facility type to search for. Use the List of Values to select a valid value.
  8. Press Search to search
  9. Search Results will be presented in Allocate Resource.

Follow this procedure to change the Search Settings for Allocate Resource

  1. In the Allocate Resource dialog press the Search.. button.
  2. Navigate to the Settings tab
  3. In the Show days Before field enter the number of days to display before the search interval. Use the dropdown to select a valid value.
  4. In the Show days After field enter the number of days to display before the search interval. Use the dropdown to select a valid value.
  5. In the Snap Time field enter the rounding in number of minutes that should be used when the user drags and drops the allocation in the Gantt or changes the duration of the allocation. Use the dropdown to select a valid value.
  6. In the Population Fallback Period select the number of days to search for, when no other end date constraint or planning end date has been entered on the work order. Use the radio buttons to select the number of days to use.
  7. Press Search to refresh Allocate Resource. The settings will be stored in the user profile.
  8. Search results will be presented in Allocate Resource.   

Follow this procedure to view an explanation of symbols used in Allocate Resource.

  1. In the Allocate Resource dialog press the Legend button.
  2. A legend with an explanation of all symbols and colors used in Allocate Resource will be shown.
  3. Press the "x" button to close the Legend.