Define Master/Slave for multiple Work Orders


This activity is used to sort the duplicate operations on work orders in the selected work order structure.

This is similar to the functionality described in the activity Define Master/Slave for Work Order, the only difference being that this function defines duplicates for multiple work orders at the same time.

When the Set WO Structure Master/Slave option is used, the system will navigate through the selected work order and all work orders below in the structure, and for each occurrence of a duplicate operation set the first occurrence as master and set the others as slaves.


System Effects


Work Order Execution Logic

Related Window Descriptions

Work Order Execution Logic
Work Order Execution Logic/Duplicate Operations 


  1. Open the Work Order Execution Logic window.
  2. Populate (F2) or query (F3) for the necessary ELS work order.
  3. In the graphical object structure, select a work order, right-click, and then click Set WO Structure Master/Slave.
  4. The duplicate operations for each work order will be updated with master and slave definitions. You can view information on duplicate operations by selecting a master operation in the structure and then clicking the Duplicate Operations tab.