Manage Work Order Actions


This activity is used to manage the work order actions that can be recorded on a mobile work order running on a Windows Mobile device. There are several actions which can be performed on the work order. For instance, you can register or issue material and spare parts, register tools-and-facilities, report time spent on the work and expenses incurred. You can also attach pictures to the work order, for example, of the object before and after repair, request parts for the work order and receive purchase order receipts, add/view documents.


General prerequisites:

Operations handling:

Material handling:

Return Parts:

Tools-and-facilities handling:

Expense handling:

Report time:

Enter a purchase request:

For prerequisites on add pictures, add/view documents, add jobs to the work order, receiving purchase order receipts, creating a new work order and recording measurements, refer the relevant activity description linked from the procedure below.

System Effects

Operations handling:

Material handling:

Return Parts:

Tools-and-facilities handling:

Expense handling:

Report time:

Enter a purchase request:

View work order journal:

For system effects on adding/viewing documents, adding jobs, receiving purchase order receipts, adding pictures, creating a new work order and recording measurements, refer the relevant activity description linked from the procedure below.


The mobile device on which IFS Mobile Work Order is installed.

Related Window Descriptions

Refer the help for IFS Mobile Work Order on your device.


General steps:

  1. On the Home Screen, tap Work Orders. It will display all the work orders, both Route Work Orders and Separate Work Order.
  2. Tap on the work order for which you wish to record actions and then tap Next until you are in WO Actions screen.
  3. Tap on the relevant procedure which you wish to continue:

View operations

  1. Tap Operations. All operations recorded on the work order is displayed.
  2. View detailed information on the operations connected to the work order.

Operations handling

  1. Tap Operations. All operations recorded on the work order is displayed.
  2. View detailed information on the operations connected to the work order.
  3. Tap on one of the listed operations.
  4. Tap Clock In. the status of the operation set to started and count down on time spent on the operations starts.
  5. Tap Clock Out. the status of the operation remain started, while a time report line recorded in the work order against the operation for a duration between clock in and clock out.
  6. Steps 7 and 8 can repeat until work assigned to the operation is completed, Tap Complete. the status of the operation sets to Finished.
  7. Optionally, tap On Hold. while clock in to the operation, for a break, which will discontinue counting time.

Operation allocations handling

  1. Tap Operations. All operations recorded on the work order is displayed together with Allocations indented towards right side.
  2. Tap on one of the listed Allocations for the logged in user.
  3. Tap Clock In. If this is the allocation that first logs the time on operation, status of the parent operation will set to started, and count down on time spent on the operation allocation starts.
  4. Tap Clock Out. count down stops, while a time report line recorded in the work order against the operation for a duration between clock in and clock out.
  5. Steps 6 and 7 can repeat until work assigned to the operation allocation is completed. The status of the operation can set to Finished only in the device own the work order.

Material handling

  1. Tap Materials. All material recorded on the work order is displayed.
  2. Tap Parts From My Stock, if you want to issue parts from the stock.
  3. Tap Scan & Issue, if you want to issue parts from the stock, by opening the Bar Code/QR Code scanner to search for the parts based on Serial No or Lot No.
  4. Tap Object Spares, if you want to issue parts from work order object spares.
  5. Tap Issue Planned, if you want to issue already planned parts. Further, you will be notified by displaying an icon in each planned material, if the required stock is not available with you to perform the planned work.
  6. Select a part record and enter the quantity to issue and the inventory location. Optionally, enter the operation on which the part is to be used Tap Save.
  7. Tap New Planned Part, to create a new material request. Enter the part number and required quantity. Enter additional information, if needed. Tap Save.
  8. Tap View Previous if you want to view the material list.

    Note : In Quick Issue and Scan and Issue modes, it is requested to confirm before issue serial tracked parts in order to give time to recheck the correct serial is selected.

Return Parts

  1. Tap Returns.
  2. In the Part No field, enter a Part from the list of values.
  3. In the Planned Qty field, enter quantity to be planned to return.
  4. Depending on the selected part configuration, enter Serial No, Lot No, or Condition Code.
  5. Tap Save.
  6. Tap View Previous if you want to view the list of parts planned to return.

Tools-and-Facilities handling (for separate work orders only):

  1. Tap Tools & Facilities. All tools-and-facilities recorded on the work order is displayed.
  2. Tap New to record a tool or facility used on the work order.
  3. Enter the ID of the tool or facility, the quantity and the number of hours it will be used.
  4. Optionally, enter the start and finish dates, and if the tool or facility has already being used, the number of hours it was used.
  5. Tap Save.
  6. Enter Report Hours if you want to report time already spent on the tool or facility.
  7. If you want to modify the already reported line, long press on the record and select Modify and do the modification.

Expense handling

  1. Tap Expenses.
  2. Select the type of cost for the expense incurred.
  3. In the Quantity field, enter the quantity.
  4. In the Price field, enter the price.
  5. Optionally, enter a comment.
  6. Tap Next, if you want to go to the next WO Action, else tap Add, to report another expense.
  7. Tap View Previous, to list already reported expenses.

Report time spent on the work order (Note: Only step 1 and step 2 of the general steps should be run prior to performing this procedure):

  1. Tap Time on the WO Actions screen.
  2. Select the type of time, i.e., whether it's time spent traveling or on the work done.
  3. In the Hours field, enter the number of hours spent.
  4. Optionally, change the craft or enter the operation, start time and end time.
  5. Tap Save.
  6. If you want to report time for another employee, select the relevant time line and change the employee. Next, perform steps 6 through 8.
  7. Tap View Previous, to list already reported time.

Enter a purchase request:

  1. Tap Purchase Requisition.
  2. Enter the part number and quantity of the part.
  3. Optionally, change the wanted date.
  4. Tap Save.
  5. Tap View Previous, to list already created Purchase Requisitions.

View the work order journal:

  1. Tap WO Journal.
  2. View all journal entries created automatically for the status changes on the work order.

Add Pictures - for these steps, refer the Add Pictures to the Work Order activity.

Add Documents - for these steps, refer the Add/View Documents activity.

Add Jobs - for these steps, refer the Add Jobs to the Work Order activity.

Receive PO receipt - for these steps, refer the Receive Purchase Order Receipt activity.

Create a new work order - for these steps, refer the Create a Work Order on the Mobile Device activity.

Report in measurements - for these steps, refer the Report In Measurements activity.