Monitor Resources


Perform this manual activity to monitor maintenance employee allocations and tool/facilities allocations when executing work order and/or work order operations.

This activity is typically used when;

  1. Monitoring the allocation results of the allocate resource process for employees
  2. Monitoring work order and operation execution
  3. Transferring allocated work orders to mobile users

In this activity work order execution; progress and exceptions and in jeopardy are monitored. As a result of this activity work orders and operation allocations that needs to be rescheduled and reallocated are detected.


System Effects


    Resource Monitoring Gantt

Related Window Descriptions

Resource Monitoring Gantt Resource Monitoring Search Legend


Follow this procedure to monitor work order, route work order and operation allocations for a selection of maintenance employees:

  1. Navigate to Service and Maintenance\Work Order Management\Resource Planning and Allocation\Resource Monitoring Gantt
  2. In the Resource Monitoring Gantt dialog press Search.
  3. In the Resource Type field, select the value "Employee".
  4. In the Display Days field, select the number of days to visualize in the Gantt.
  5. Select the From Today checkbox for the displayed interval visualize in the Gantt to start today.
  6. In the From/To date field values have now been automatically inserted based on the previous selection. Note that is possible to change the From date manually and the date range and the To date will then be recalculated. 
  7. In the Site field, select the site to search within. Use the List of Values to select a valid value.
  8. In the Maint Org field, select the maintenance organization to search within. Use the List of Values to select a valid value.
  9. In the Team Site field, enter the team site to search within. Use the List of Values to select a valid value.
  10. In the Team field, enter the team to search within. Use the List of Values to select a valid value.
  11. In the Craft field, enter the craft to search for. Use the List of Values to select a valid value.
  12. Select the Include Sub Craft checkbox if resources that have a craft that has been defined as a sub craft to the craft user is searching for should be included in the search result.
  13. Navigate to the Competency tab
  14. Press the New button to add a new competency to the search criteria's. To remove competencies press the Remove button.
  15. Press Save to save the changes.
  16. Navigate to the License tab
  17. Press the New button to add a new competency to the search criteria's. To remove licenses press the Remove button.
  18. Press Save to save the changes.
  19. Press Search to search
  20. Search results will be presented in Resource Monitoring Gantt

Notice it is now possible to see all allocations for the selected employees during the pre-selected time interval. Note also that is possible to see the status of work order and operation allocations.
Also note that the start of the allocation and the end of the allocation and the duration of the allocation gets updated when work order or operation is "Started" respectively "Work Done". This also makes it possible to monitor not only the status of an allocation but also when it was started and when it was completed.

So based on the previous procedure we are now monitoring:

Follow this procedure to monitor exceptions, in jeopardy warnings and progress for work order, route work order and operation allocations for a selection of maintenance employees:

  1. In the Resource Monitoring Gantt dialog press Search.
  2. Keep the search criteria from your previous search
  3. Navigate to the Settings tab
  4. Make sure the Show Progress checkbox is active.
  5. In the Jeopardy Buffer in Minutes select a value from the dropdown
  6. Press Search to search
  7. Search Results will be presented in Resource Monitoring Gantt
  8. Make sure the Display Warnings and the Display Remarks checkbox is active, located in the header of the Resource Monitoring Gantt.

Notice that is now possible again to see all allocations for the selected employees during the pre-selected time interval. But it is also possible to see the progress of a work order or an operation (only if progress templates are used). It is also possible to
see allocation exceptions and also allocation remarks for allocations carried out by mobile users.

So based on the previous procedure we are now monitoring:

Follow this procedure to filter, highlight and to add descriptions for allocations and toggle on auto refresh for a selection of maintenance employees:

  1. In the Resource Monitoring Gantt select a value from the dropdown for Highlight in order to select a criteria for highlighting allocations, for instance "City".
  2. In the Highlight text field next to the dropdown enter a logical statement (valid statements are; New York, %York, N% Y% or !New York, where "%" can be used like a wildcard and "!" means not like)
  3. Select the Highlight checkbox in order to activate the highlighting function, highlighting all allocations that matches the highlighting conditions.
  4. Select a value from the dropdown for Filter in order to select a criteria for highlighting allocations, for instance "Work Order No".
  5. In the Filter text field next to the dropdown enter a logical statement (valid statements are for instance; 200245, %245, 2%2% or !200245, where "%" can be used like a wildcard and "!" means not like)
  6. Select the Filter checkbox in order to activate the filtering function, hiding all allocations that does not match the filter conditions.
  7. Select a value from the dropdown for Description in order to add a descriptive label on top of the allocation, for instance "Wo Status".
  8. Select the Description checkbox in order to activate the labeling function, which will display the selected criteria on top of all visible allocations.
  9. In the Auto Refresh in Minutes select a the number of minutes for how often the Gantt chart should get refreshed
  10. Select the Auto Refresh Enabled checkbox in order to activate the auto refresh function. Please not that a green light gets lit when the autorefresh is enabled and that when an autorefresh is about to start that light turns red, to forewarn the that a refresh is about to take place.

Follow this procedure to monitor work order, route work order and operation allocations for a selection of  employees or tools & facilities:

  1. Navigate to Service and Maintenance\Work Order Management\Resource Planning and Allocation\Resource Monitoring Gantt
  2. In the Resource Monitoring Gantt dialog press Search.
  3. In the Resource Type field, select the value "Tools/Facilities".
  4. In the Display Days field, select the number of days to visualize in the Gantt.
  5. Select the From Today checkbox for the displayed interval visualize in the Gantt to start today.
  6. In the From/To date field values have now been automatically inserted based on the previous selection. Note that is possible to change the From date manually and the date range and the To date will then be recalculated. 
  7. In the Site field, select the Site to search within. Use the List of Values to select a valid value.
  8. In the Maint Org field, select the maintenance organization to search within. Use the List of Values to select a valid value.
  9. In the Tool/Facility Type field, select the Tools/Facility Type to search for. Use the List of Values to select a valid value.
  10. In the Tool/Facility ID field, select the Tools/Facility ID to search for. Use the List of Values to select a valid value.
  11. Press Search to search
  12. Search Results will be presented in Resource Monitoring Gantt

So based on the previous procedure we are now monitoring:

Follow this procedure to monitor exceptions and in jeopardy warnings for work orders and operations allocated to a selection of tools & facilities:

  1. In the Resource Monitoring Gantt dialog press Search.
  2. Keep the search criteria from your previous search.
  3. Navigate to the Settings tab.
  4. In the Jeopardy Buffer in Minutes select a value from the dropdown.
  5. Press Search to search.
  6. Search Results will be presented in Resource Monitoring Gantt.
  7. Make sure the Display Warnings and the Display Remarks checkbox is active, located in the header of the Resource Monitoring Gantt. (For explanation about remarks and warnings/exceptions refer to the above description for monitor in jeopardy warnings and exceptions for employees.

Follow this procedure to filter, highlight and to add descriptions for allocations and toggle on auto refresh for a selection of maintenance employees:

  1. In the Resource Monitoring Gantt select a value from the dropdown for Highlight in order to select a criteria for highlighting allocations, for instance "Customer" .
  2. In the Highlight text field next to the dropdown enter a logical statement (valid statements are; 1000010, %10, 1%0% or !1000010, where "%" can be used like a wildcard and "!" means not like )
  3. Select the Highlight checkbox in order to activate the highlighting function, highlighting all allocations that matches the highlighting conditions.
  4. Select a value from the dropdown for Filter in order to select a criteria for highlighting allocations, for instance "Object ID" .
  5. In the Filter text field next to the dropdown enter a logical statement (valid statements are for instance; MACHINE19, %19, MACH%1% or !MACHINE19, where "%" can be used like a wildcard and "!" means not like )
  6. Select the Filter checkbox in order to activate the filtering function, hiding all allocations that does not match the filter conditions.
  7. Select a value from the dropdown for Description in order to add a descriptive label on top of the allocation, for instance "Priority" .
  8. Select the Description checkbox in order to activate the labeling function, which will display the selected criteria on top of all visible allocations.
  9. In the Auto Refresh in Minutes select a the number of minutes for how often the Gantt chart should get refreshed
  10. Select the Auto Refresh Enabled checkbox in order to activate the auto refresh function. Note that a green light gets lit when the auto refresh is enabled and that when an auto refresh is about to start that light turns red, to forewarn the user that a refresh is about to take place.

Notice that is now possible again to see all allocations for the selected tools & facilities during the pre-selected time interval. But it is also possible to see the progress of a work order or an operation (only if progress templates are used). It is also possible to see allocation exceptions and also allocation remarks for allocations carried out by mobile users.

So based on the previous procedure we are now monitoring:

Once a planner/dispatcher/service manager/ call center user has reviewed the allocations he or she or she can proceed to transfer the affected work orders to a mobile user.

Follow this procedure to transfer an allocated work order to a mobile user in Resource Monitoring Gantt:

  1. Populate the Resource Monitoring Gantt in a way so that the allocation that should be transferred is visible.
  2. Select the work order or operation associated allocation to transfer and select the right mouse option Transfer to Mobile.
  3. The Transfer to Mobile dialog will now appear if there is no executed by set on the work order, use list of values to select a valid value. (If the work order already has an Executed by it will be transferred to the executed by's mobile automatically).

The Planner/dispatcher/service manager/ call center user also sometimes has to manage and/or control the execution of work orders at the same time as monitoring resources. For this purpose it is also possible for the user to promote and demote work orders in Resource Monitoring Gantt.

Follow this procedure to change the status of an allocated work order in Resource Monitoring Gantt:

  1. Populate the Resource Monitoring Gantt in a way so that the allocation that should be promoted/demoted is visible.
  2. Select the work order associated allocation for which the work order status should be changed and select the right mouse option Status and select the preferred status.
  3. The work order status will now get promoted or demoted.

Follow this procedure to view an explanation of symbols used in Resource Monitoring Gantt.

  1. In the Resource Monitoring Gantt dialog press the Legend button.
  2. A legend with an explanation of all symbols and colors used in Resource Monitoring Gantt will be shown.
  3. Press the "x" button to close the Legend.