Report In Time


This activity is used to report in time spent on the mobile work order. This can be, for instance, the time spent traveling to and from the work order location or the time spent on performing the repair.


System Effects

As a result of this activity, time transactions are reported in and the costs derived from the reported time is updated on the work order. Note: If the AUTO_AUTH_SIGN object property is set to TRUE, the time lines are automatically authorized.


The mobile device on which IFS Mobile Work Order is installed.

Related Window Descriptions

Refer the help for IFS Mobile Work Order on your device.


  1. On the Home Screen, tap Work Orders.
  2. Tap on the the work order for which you wish to report time.
  3. Tap Next.
  4. In the WO Actions screen, tap Time. Alternatively, you can report in time as part of the work order report in process (Long-press the Report In screen).
  5. Select the type of time, i.e., whether it's time spent traveling or on the work done.
  6. In the Hours field, enter the number of hours spent.
  7. Optionally, change the craft and sales part, or enter the operation, start time and end time.
  8. Tap Save.
  9. Click View Previous to view or update a list of time entries recorded on the work order.
  10. If you want to report time for another employee, change the employee and perform steps 6 through 8.