Set up a Scheduled Task for Transferring Data to Mobile Workforce Management


This activity is used to set up a scheduled task for transferring data to Mobile Workforce Management. It is recommended to have two scheduled tasks set up per dataset, one to transfer all data (Load) and another to transfer changes (Change). For each scheduled task, there are specific parameters that need to be defined before the task can be executed as a background job. The scheduled task for transferring data to Mobile Workforce Management will have the following parameters:

Parameter Description
Dataset ID The identity of the dataset that is to be sent to Mobile Workforce Management using the scheduled task.
Input Type The type of message which is to be sent. Valid values are Load, Change and Stop. Load messages will transfer all the data to Mobile Workforce Management. Change messages will only transfer work order changes and reported absence. Stop will stop the Dataset from Scheduling.
Send Timeline This parameter is only valid if the Input Type has been set to Change. If selected, the current time will still be transferred even though no other changes exist.
Transfer Method The Transfer Method of the scheduling data. Valid values are Webservice or File. This parameter is optional. If left empty, the default value defined for Load Transfer Method and Change Transfer Method in Scheduling Configuration will be used.


To perform this activity, the schedule method for sending data for scheduling must have been set up with the required security settings.

System Effects

As a result of this activity, data will be transferred to the Dynamic Scheduling Engine(DSE) through background jobs at the specified time intervals.


New Database Task Schedule

Related Window Descriptions

Create New Database Task Schedule
Scheduled Database Tasks


  1. Open the New Database Task Schedule window and create a new record (F5).
  2. In the Task Name field, query for the task "Send Data for Scheduling". This will automatically set the Schedule Name.
  3. Change the Schedule Name if required.
  4. To define when the scheduled task should be performed, click one of the options under Schedule and enter the time in the Time field.
  5. Enter a valid Dataset ID using list of values under Parameters.
  6. In the Input Type select a value using the dropdown under Parameters.
  7. In Send Timeline select the checkbox if you want the dataset to be updated with the current time even though no other changes exist.. This is only applicable for Schedule Tasks with the Input Type set to "Change".
  8. In the Transfer Method select a value using the dropdown under Options. Entering a value for Transfer Method is optional.
  9. Enter the language and start and stop dates under Advanced.
  10. To activate the scheduled task, select the Active check box.
  11. Save the record (F12).