View and Correct Erroneous Transactions


This activity is used to view and correct erroneous transactions that occurred whilst working on a mobile work order. The errors, for example missing basic data or incorrect data entry, are identified during the synchronization process from the mobile device back to the server. The following actions can be performed as part of the failure handling:


System Effects


Failed Transactions

Related Window Descriptions



  1. Open the Failed Transactions window. All failed transaction records are populated automatically.
  2. Select the relevant transaction and perform one of the following actions. Note: You can view additional details on the failure by right-clicking on the record and then clicking Show Details.
    1. Resolve the cause of the failure, then right-click on the failed transaction and click Resend.
    2. If this is a controlled failure, i.e., it is allowed to exist, right-click and click Add to Filtered Errors.
    3. To delete a record, right-click and click Delete.