Conclude Route Work Order

After the work is completed, the work order is to be reported in. A route work order has a simplified reporting in process. Before you conclude your work order, simply specify for each action in the route whether or not it was performed, then report in the entire route. You have to report in all work order data, and get all postings authorized. Your work on route work order must also be completed and the actual finish date must be given.

When you have filled in all necessary information, and have completed the work, change the status to 'Finished' to conclude the work order. As the result, the work order becomes historical, and could be used for information purposes only. The information on a historical work order can only be changed, or reused when you are using the Reopen operation. The reopen functionality has the following aim; if you for example have forgotten to register transactions such as time, material, or external costs, it is always possible to add this on to a historical work order.