Set Obsolete


Use this activity to set a document to obsolete. A document set to obsolete is no longer in use even though the document revision is present in the database and can be viewed or printed. Obsolete documents can have object connections. If you try to set a document to obsolete, and that document has object connections, a warning appears. You cannot reverse the procedure of setting a document to obsolete.

If you are the document's Administrator, you are always able to set the document to obsolete.

Optionally you can decide to move objects to an (often previous) non-obsolete document revision. This can be very useful when you have moved many objects to a new revision when a new revision is created or released, and when it later turns out that the revision needs to be set to obsolete.


System Effects


Document Revisions
Document Revision

Related Window Descriptions

Document Revisions
Document Revision


  1. Open the Document Revision window or Document Revisions window.
  2. Query for a document that you will set to obsolete.
  3. Right-click (In the Document Revisions window first select the row), click Status, and then click Set Obsolete.
  4. The Restore Object Connections window opens. Select the appropriate option to move only inherited object connections (moved to this document revision when it was created or released, depending on the value of the Update Revision field) or not to move any connections. Object connections that are not moved get the Update Revision field set to Fixed.