Reminder History Details

[To Follow-up and Analysis, Customer Credit Management] [To Reminder]


Use this window to display statistical information of a reminder proposal for which reminders have been printed or sent by email, fax or as an XML file. Reminder history details is the mid-level of the 3-level reminder history and displays the reminded payers per currency and reminder template of the selected reminder proposal. You are informed about the reminder totals for a payer per reminder template and currency, such as reminded total amount due, reminder fee and interest printed in the reminder. The amounts are shown in invoice currency as well as in accounting currency. The totals refer to the reminder items which were printed in the reminder as per reminder date of the proposal. The number of items displayed in the report indicates  how many reminder items were included as due in the report. Apart from printing a reminder, the reminder can be sent to the payer using other media types as well which is also displayed for each reminder. You can also cancel the reminder for the payer which will set back the reminder date and the reminder level of all invoice installments covered by a reminder for a payer per reminder template and currency.

Activity Diagrams

Queries Customer Credit Management
Cancel Reminder


View Reminder History Details
View Invoices per Reminder
Cancel Reminder per Payer