Reply on Work Order Tenders

Using this Portlet

Use this portlet to view work order tenders that belong to your contractor that should be replied on or awaiting customer acceptance or have been rejected. Order quotation lines which have been rejected are displayed in read-only mode.


No setup is required before you use this portlet for the first time, except your personal customizations (see below).

+Viewing the Search Results

This portlet displays your search results in table format according to the search criteria defined.

The following items appear in the search results: 

WO No: The unique identification number of the work order. Clicking on this link will open the Work Order Tender page.

WO Site: The identity of the site to which the work order belongs.

Directive: A short description of the fault that is to be corrected by the work order. If the work order is registered through a fault report or service request, the description automatically comes from the Short Description field on that page or window. If the work order is PM-generated from a separate PM action, the description comes from the Directive field on that page or window.

Object ID: The identity of the object to which the work order is connected.

Object Site: The identity of the site to which the object is connected.

Latest Reply Date: The last day to receive the replies from the contractors on a work order tender, i.e., the last date when the quotation lines should have been set to Answered status by the contractors invited to tender.

Request No: The identity of the request for quotation. Click on this link to navigate to the Order Quotation page.

Line No: The line number of the order quotation.

Part No: This is the part number to which the tender is initiated.

Part Description: The name or description corresponding to the part number.

Quantity: The number of parts registered for the work order.

Price/Curr: The price of the part expressed in the order's currency.

Promised Delivery Date: The promised date on which the supplier delivers the order to an agreed-upon location.

Note: Any additional information that has been entered.

+Customizing this Portlet

Using the Customize page, you can define search criteria and customize the layout of your portlet.

Search Criteria

The following search criteria are available in this portlet:

My Work Order Tenders to be Replied On: Shows all work order tenders with order quotation lines in Created status for your contractor.

My Work Order Tenders awaiting customer acceptance: Shows all work order tenders with order quotation lines in Answered status for your contractor.

My Rejected Work Order Tenders: Shows all work order tenders with order quotation lines in Rejected status for your contractor.

Latest Reply Date: Select the Starts from and/or Ends by check box(es) to display work order tenders according to the last day to receive the replies from the contractors on a work order tender.


The following layout options are available in this portlet:

Personalize the portal heading: The name that appears at the top of this portlet. You can change this name to one of your choosing.

Max no of records to display: The maximum number of rows displayed in the portlet. When you minimize the portlet, the number of matched records appears next to the portlet name.

Allow Wrap: Allows text to be wrapped into multiple lines for ease of viewing.