People Finder

Using this Portlet

Use this portlet to search for employees through different criteria’s. It is possible to search for a specific employee using his/her name or the company and/or the office the employee works at. Use the List of Values to select between companies and/or offices. Click on the search link to trigger the query. 

The result list can show name, phone/mobile/e-mail, company, office and courtesy title of the first 15 (default) persons, that matches the search criteria. Use the links previous and next to se the rest of the results. Click on employee name to view detailed information about the selected person.


No setup is required before you use this portlet for the first time, except your personal customizations (see below).

Viewing the Search Results

This portlet displays your search results in table format. The number of hits are displayed in the portlet header, if more than specified in the Max rows to display field, you can use the Next and Previous buttons to view more hits.

The following items appear in the search results: 

The number of items in the search result depends on your configuration setup. The first 15 are shown as default.

Name: The employees Internal Display Name. 

First: The Employee's First Name.

Last: The Employee's Last Name.

Office: The company office.

Phone: The employees default phone number.

Mobile: The employees default mobile number.

E-Mail: The employees default E-mail address. Click on the e-mail address to send e-mail to the employee.

Company: The Company Name.

Customizing this Portlet

Using the Customize page, you can define search criteria and customize the layout of your portlet. You can choose search and search result fields.

Search Criteria

The following search criteria are available in this portlet:

First and Last Name: Select this option if you want two separate search fields for employee's first and last names.

Name: Select this option if you want one search field for employee name. 

Office: Select this option if you want to query based on employee's company office connections.

Company: Select this option if you want to query based on the companies that employee's are employed at. 

Only employees with valid employment period: Select this option if you want the result to contain active employees only i.e. employees who are employed at the date the query is performed.

Max rows to display: The total number of employees displayed in the portlet at the same time.