Production Line Management

[About Production Line] [About Production Line Management] [About Takt Time Calculation] [About Production Line Rates] [About Production Schedule Load Methods] [About Proposed Production Schedule]

[To Repetitive Planning] [To Repetitive Manufacturing]


Use this window to access and manipulate production line management information. You can define the line operating parameters, pull line demand, calculate the takt time, define the line rate. You can also query for simple line balancing, generate proposed schedules, confirm proposed schedules to real schedules, analyze the line loads, access the work instruction report, and access to quality information. 

For the description of each tab in the window, follow the appropriate link: Takt Time CalcDemand Details, Line Rates, Operation Analysis , Proposed Schedule, Current Schedule, Schedule Analysis, Load Analysis

Activity Diagrams

Production line management

Production schedule management


Define line operating parameters

Retrieve line demands

Remove historical demands

Perform takt time calculation

Set production line run rate

Perform line operation analysis

Create proposed schedule

Confirm proposed schedules

View all production schedules

View production line load

Check schedule component availability
Perform schedule analysis