Time Registration


Use this window to perform registrations of Job related hours. You can also account for your absence, overtime and all other information that form the basis for your salary. The appearance of the Time Management Reporting window is based on which components are installed in your system and which time base that is used.

You can also confirm and authorize the sheet. On the Actions menu, select the Copy Previous Week action to copy all the codes used last week. Use the Copy Previous Weeks action to copy all the codes used during the previous four weeks.

If you have web client Sick Leave Administration installed and an open sick leave registered you will get a question if you want to close it. If you answer yes you will enter the Sick Leave Registration form. If you answer no you will enter Time Management form.

Note: When you modify a week that has been confirmed, the confirm status will automatically change to 'Partly Confirmed'. Note that the status change will only affect the project hours, and not the attendance hours in IFS/Time&Attendance.

Also it is possible to change and confirm project time even if the day is authorized in Time & Attendance as long as the sum of presence hours is same. 

Available pop-up menus:

Activity Diagrams